Strengthening faith and making disciples.
Why Catholic?
A profound journey and a passionate call to action, Why Catholic? is a rallying cry to engage in an open, honest, and thought- provoking dialogue about what it truly means to be Catholic.
Celebrating the Catholic Tradition
Why Catholic? is a profound journey and a passionate call to action : a rallying cry to engage in an open, honest, and thought- provoking dialogue about what it truly means to be Catholic.
Why Catholic?
This experience is a sanctuary where Catholics can come together to discuss the profound questions of life, faith, and purpose. Available in multiple languages, Why Catholic? encourages us to peel back the layers of our beliefs and to question, to reflect, and to grow. It's a catalyst for passionate conversations that stir the heart and awaken the spirit.
Why Catholic? includes a full range of elements that meet the needs of your parish. The experience is designed to help participants reach out to others in faith and connect its teachings to everyday life.
Explores Catholic teaching with passages from Catechism of the Catholic Church, reflection questions, and examples of faith-based action.
Includes four books—Pray, Believe, Celebrate and Live—each exploring one of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each book contains 12 faith-sharing sessions.
Occurs in a small community setting that is a supportive environment for evangelization and faith formation
Fosters the goals of Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, the landmark U.S. Bishops' pastoral plan for adult faith formation
A total parish experience
small Christian communities
parish catechists
RCIA/OCIA candidates
parents with children preparing for sacraments
families looking to deepen faith
available in multiple languages for diverse communities (click HERE to explore the resources)
We walk alongside you:
Through an initial consultation, information sessions, and workshops, RENEW's staff works with pastoral leadership and parishioners to ensure a successful program with strong participation.
Initial Consultation — Meeting with diocesan staff to review the content of Why Catholic? and explain how to bring it to parishes.
Information Sessions — An overview of how Why Catholic? responds to an identified desire of adults to connect with their beliefs and renew their identity as Catholics.
Launching Why Catholic? Workshop — Practical suggestions for inviting maximum participation in the parish.
Small-Community Leader Formation — On-site workshops for leaders with catechetical content and methods for facilitating adult learning.
Ongoing Diocesan Support — In-person and phone consultation to guide the process from your RENEW International pastoring contact
Online Resources — Wide array of special web-based tools and resources.
Call To Action
Strengthen faith formation and uncover ways to share our Catholic faith with Why Catholic? Fill out this form to receive more information about this inspirational program.
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Strengthen faith formation and uncover ways to share our Catholic faith with Why Catholic? Fill out this form to receive more information about this inspirational program.
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